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Earth Cup Regatta
Solar Sailing Race Series

Our Story
Mission and Vision
The Earth Cup is a friendly collaboration and competition open to all people of all nations. It is a race toward peaceful innovation, cooperation, collaboration, and competition between all societies and communities striving for resilience and regeneration in this time of great promise and peril. It is a race to save the Earth’s ecosystems from destruction and de-speciation. The Earth Cup is a new journey for us all to ensure a more positive future evolution of life on Earth and in terms of our own humanity — while reaching toward new horizons at accelerating rates.
Exploring Solar Sailing Adventures
“Sailors on a becalmed sea we sense the stirring of a breeze.”

We now have the crafts to reach out toward the stars and exoplanets beyond our own home planet, Earth, and solar system.
However, before we reach out toward other livable planets, we have to demonstrate first that we care for our own home planet Earth and humanity.
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